Do you give yourself permission to choose balance in your life? Do you struggle to keep all the balls in the air in your business and life? Do you feel torn between the push for success and taking time for yourself?

Non-stop stress is a factor in our daily lives. But why risk burnout? Take measures now so that you live life in a dynamic and fulfilling way without being drained or run ragged. Embrace self-care as the non-negotiable way you do life.

Join us in June for Choose Balance Over Burnout. We will clear the self-sabotage and subconscious blocks that lead you towards burnout and replace it with resonance to live and work more freely. Embrace self-care as your non-negotiable choice. Respect your needs and align to succeed.

Enjoy your work and your summer. Choose balance over burnout!

First time? Our next NEWBIE class will be in September.

Choose Balance over Burnout - Image of woman with post-it notes of demands on her face


Evening - Tuesday June 21st

7:30pm - 9:45pm

On Zoom